The minor in law studies is designed for any students interested in studying law, even those who don't plan on attending law school.

Although the minor is beneficial for students who wish to structure their academic program to help prepare for law school, many of our students do not intend to continue on to law school — they simply want to understand law better in order to gain deeper insight into their own field of study. 例如, the minor can benefit students interested in human resources management, 政治科学, construction management and supply chain management who want to learn more about the field of law and its many diverse issues and perspectives and how such issues may affect them in their professions.


Internship Opportunities

At Clarkson, we know that hands-on experience is the best way to learn any job. That's why we promote student opportunities to intern in law offices. In the law studies minor, you work with local lawyers in real-world situations. Third year students can arrange a semester of co-op experience through Clarkson's Career Center. Clarkson's reputation for hardworking, intelligent graduates makes students prime candidates for pre-degree employment, especially in summer positions.

Franklin Pierce Law Center

An agreement between Clarkson and the Franklin Pierce Law Center benefits students interested in specializing in intellectual property law. 中心, 总部设在康科德, 新汉普郡, is internationally known for producing specialists in patent law and other intellectual property fields. If you are admitted to Clarkson, you can also receive a provisional admission to the Franklin Pierce Law Center.


Students in the law studies minor may also benefit from the 华盛顿特区.C.,学期. You can spend a semester as a student at American University, taking classes and participating in extraordinary internships at places like the World Bank, 美国全国广播公司, Greenpeace and 首页land Security and/or as a legislative aide to members of Congress.

法律研究 Minor Core Requirements

All courses are 3 credits unless noted.

Students are required to complete the following courses:

Perspectives of the Law 

  • LW270 Law and Society I
  • POL400 Constitutional Law

法律研究 Minor Portfolio

  • LW499 法律研究 Minor Portfolio

法律研究 Minor Core I

Students are required to take courses in the following groups:


Students must take two of the following courses:

  • LW466 The Law of the Workplace
  • LW471 Law and Society II
  • POL371 环境al Law
  • LW352 Reading for the Law: Legal Issues in Non-Fiction Literature
  • PHIL/POL380 Law and Bioethics
  • POL362 Human Rights Law and Politics


Students must take one of the following courses:

  • COMM210 Theory of Rhetoric for Business, Science and Engineering
  • COMM217 Introduction to Public Speaking
  • COMM410 Theory and Philosophy of 沟通
  • PHIL330 Logic for Critical Thinking
  • COMM417 Business and Professional Speaking

法律研究 Minor Core II

Students must take one of the following courses:


  • ANTH332 Cities and Social Justice
  • COMM 310 Mass Media and Society
  • COMM428 Public Debate and the 环境
  • LIT335/POL335 Violence & 和解  
  • PHIL240 Contemporary Moral Issues
  • PHIL243 Business Ethics
  • PHIL310 World Religions & 当代问题
  • PHIL341 Professional Ethics
  • PHIL405 可持续性 Theory & 实践
  • POL372生物燃料 & 农业政策
  • POL/SOC470 环境al Policy
  • POL471能源政策
  • SOC330 健康, Wealth, Integrity & 环境
  • LW490 Internship (subject to availability)

Taking the different minor courses has exposed me to many different aspects of law. Not only have I gained a better legal understanding through the different classes, but I have also been able to form and shape my ethical contract through the teachings of my professors.

玛丽亚·塞尔吉,20岁 financial information and analysis


Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
电话: 315-268-6410

Interested in learning more about the Pre-Law Advising Track at Clarkson? Contact the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences today with your questions.

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