Mohammad Meysami

Assistant Professor
Department(s) / Center(s)
Mohammad  Meysami Headshot

Education Background

Applied Mathematics Ph.D.  - 2021 University of Colorado Denver
Applied Mathematics  M.S. - 2016 Indiana University

Courses Taught

  • MA381/581 - Probability
  • STAT383 - Probability and Statistics
  • STAT382/582 - Mathematical Statistucs
  • STAT385/585 - Bayesian Data Analysis

Research Interests

My research primarily centered around spatial statistics and data science. I utilize statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to learn from data, revealing meaningful patterns and trends that can address real-world challenges. In the field of spatial statistics, my work involves developing novel algorithms to improve the accuracy of detecting spatial and spatio-temporal clusters, as well as enhancing the precision of geospatial predictions. These pursuits entail theoretical exploration, algorithmic innovation, and software development.




Office Phone Number: 315/268-2379

Office Location: 367 Science Center

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5815