Jan Scrimgeour

Department(s) / Center(s)


目前, my work focuses on the effect of fluids flow in defining the structure and biological function of the biopolymer brushes found on the surface of the blood vessel wall. This structure is just one example of the cell surface expression of the large polymer hyaluronan that the cell uses to define the properties of cell-fluid and cell tissue interfaces.


物理Ph值.D. ——牛津大学
选择oelectronics and Laser Engineering M.S. - Heriot-Watt University


助理教授 Department of 物理, esball国际平台客户端, 2013-present
做博士后研究 Department of 物理, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008-2013


  • PH141 - 物理 for Life Sciences I​
  • PH142 - 物理 for Life Sciences II​
  • PH323 -光学
  • PH341 - Solid State 物理​
  • PH320 - 理论物理ical Models of Living Systems
  • PH426 - Intro to Biophysics​
  • PH451 - Statistical Mechanics I​


  • 细胞物理
  • 柔软的材料
  • 组织工程
  • 先进的显微镜

  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2019​
  • Clarkson Ignite Fellowship, 2018​
  • Outstanding New Teacher Award esball国际平台客户端 2017​


  • Driving Complex Flow Waveforms with a Linear Voice Coil Actuator​ D. C. 年轻的时候,我. M. Brehm和J. Scrimgeour ​Biomicrofluidics, 13, 034101 (2019)​
  • Adhesion and Mechanical Properties of P-selectin PSGL-1 Bonds ​B. Farzi D. C. 年轻的时候,我. 斯克林杰和C. Cetincaya​ Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 173, 529 (2019)​
  • Adhesion and Stiffness of Biotin-Superavidin Bonds​ B. Farzi J. 斯克林杰和C. Cetincaya ​Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 171, 308 (2018)​
  • 选择imizing Likelihood Models for Particle Trajectory Segmentation in Multi-State Systems ​D. C. 杨和J. Scrimgeour​ 理论物理ical biology, 15(6), 066003 (2018)​
  • Incorporation of Soft Shaped Hydrogel Sheets into Microfluidic Systems using a Simple Adhesion Masking Process​ D. C. 年轻的时候,我. G. 纽瑟姆和J. Scrimgeour:. 理论物理. 列托语. 111, 263705 (2017)​
  • Single-Molecule Imaging of Proteoglycans in the Pericellular Matrix ​J. Scrimgeour L. T. 凯伦,P. S. Chang和J. E. 柯蒂斯Biophys. J. 113, 2316 (2017)​
  • Cell Surface Access Is Modulated by Tethered Bottlebrush Proteoglycans​ P. S. 张,我. T. 凯伦,R. 福格,J. Scrimgeour J. S. Temenoff, A Granqvist, and J. E. 柯蒂斯Biophys. J. 110, 2739 (2016)​
  • A Fast Weighted Centroid Algorithm for Single Particle Localization Near the Information Limit ​J. 鱼和J. Scrimgeour:. 选择. 54, 6140 (2015)​
  • Speed Dependence of Thermochemical Nanolithography for Gray-Scale Patterning​ K. M. 卡罗尔,M. 德赛,. J. 佐丹奴J. Scrimgeour W. P. 金E. 里多和J. E. 柯蒂斯​ Chem理论物理Chem, 15, 2530 (2014)​
  • K. M. 卡罗尔,一个. J. 佐丹奴,D. 王,V. K. Kodali J. Scrimgeour W. P. 国王,年代. R. 马德尔E. 里多和J. E. 柯蒂斯, “Fabricating Nanoscale Chemical Gradients with ThermoChemical NanoLithography”, 朗缪尔, 29, 2013, 8675–8682.
  • D. W. Dumbauld T. T. 李,一个. 辛格J. Scrimgeour C. A. Gersbach E. A. Zamir J. 傅,C. S. 陈,我. E. 柯蒂斯,年代. W. 克雷格,. J. 加西亚. “How Vinculin Regulates Force Transmission”, PNAS, May, 2013; doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1216209110.
  • L. T. 凯伦,P. 常,. Granqvist H. 波姆,. 克莱默,J. Scrimgeour J. E. 柯蒂斯, “Spatial Organization and Mechanical Properties of the Pericellular Matrix on Chondrocytes”, 生物物理期刊, 104, 2013, 986-996,
  • J. Scrimgeour,. 圣米格尔,J. E. 柯蒂斯,年代. H. behren. “A Generalized Approach for Measuring Microcapsule Permeability with Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching”, Journal of Materials Science, 48, 2013, 2215-2223.
  • J. 斯克林杰和J. E. 柯蒂斯. “Aberration Correction in Wide-field Fluorescence Microscopy by Segmented-Pupil Image Interferometry”, 光学快报20(13), 14534 (2012). Selected for The Virtual Journal for Biomedical 选择ics 7(8) (2012).
  • J. 斯克林杰,J,-K秋,V. 布里德维尔德和J. E. 柯蒂斯. “Microfluidic dialysis cell for characterization of macromolecule interactions”, 软物质7, 4762 (2011).
  • V. Kodali J. Scrimgeour,年代. 金,我. H. Hankinson W. A. de Heer, C. 伯杰和J. E. 柯蒂斯. “Non-Perturbative Chemical Modification of Graphene for Protein Micropatterning”, 朗缪尔27, 863 (2011).
  • A. 圣米格尔,J Scrimgeour J. E. 柯蒂斯和S. H. behren, “Smart Colloidosomes with Tunable Permeability and Dissolution Trigger”, 软物质6, 3163 (2010).
  • J. Scrimgeour V. Kodali D. Kovari和J. E. 柯蒂斯. “Photobleaching- Activated Chemical Micropatterning on Self-Assembled Monolayers”, J. 理论物理.:提供者. 事件22,194103 (2010).
  • E. 埃里克森,K. Sott F. Lundqvist, M. Sveningsson J. Scrimgeour D. Hanstorp, M. Goksor和A. Graneli. “A microfluidic device for reversible environmental changes around single cells using optical tweezers for cell selection and positioning”, 芯片上的实验室, 610 (2010).
  • E. 埃里克森,D. Engstrom J. 斯克林杰和M. Goksor. “Automated focusing of nuclei for timelapse experiments on single cells using holographic optical tweezers”, 光学快报17, 5585 (2009). Selected for The Virtual Journal for Biomedical 选择ics 4(5) (2009).
  • U. Mirsaidov J. Scrimgeour W. Timp K. 贝克,M. 米尔,P. Matsudaira和G. Timp. “Live Cell Lithography: Using optical tweezers to create synthetic tissue”, 芯片上的实验, 2174 (2008). Selected for the Virtual Journal Chemical Biology 研究 Articles,1(2009).
  • A. Hogele,年代. Seidl, M. 克朗,K. Karrai C. 阿,Schulhauser. Sqalli J. 斯克林杰和R. J. 沃伯顿. “Fiber-based confocal microscope for cryogenic spectroscopy”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 023709 (2008).
  • E. 埃里克森,J. Scrimgeour,. Graneli K. 公羊,R. 韦兰J. 13 D. 汉斯托普和M. Goksor. “选择ical Manipulation and Microfluidics for Studies of Single Cell Dynamics”, J. 选择. A:纯苹果. 选择. 9, S113 (2007).
  • J. Scrimgeour D. N. 夏普,C. F. 布兰福德,呵,. M. 罗氏,R. G. 丹宁和A. J. Turberfield, “Three-Dimensional 选择ical Lithography for Photonic Microstructures”, Advanced Materials 18(12) 1557 (2006).
  • J. S. 金E. 阿,Graugnard. M. 罗氏,D. N. 夏普,J. Scrimgeour R. G. 丹宁,. J. 图伯菲尔德和C. J. 萨默斯, “Infiltration and Inversion of Holographically-Defined Polymer Photonic Crystal Templates by Atomic Layer Deposition”, Advanced Materials 18(12) 1561 (2006).
  • K. H. 李,一个. M. 绿色,R. A. 泰勒,维. N. 夏普,J. 阿,Scrimgeour. M. 罗氏J. H. Na,. F. Jarjour,. J. Turberfield F. S. F. 布罗萨德,D. A. 威廉姆斯和G. A. D. 布里格斯. “Registration of single quantum dots using cryogenic laser photolithography”, Applied 物理 列托语ers 88, 193106 (2006).


  • G. Timp U. Mirsaidov W. Timp J. 垫片,D. 王,V. 季米特洛夫J. Scrimgeour C. 林,J,康默,A. H. Ho X. 邹,. Aksimentiev和K. Shulten, “Third Generation DNA Sequencing with a Nanopore.” Nanopores: Sensing and Fundamental Biological Interactions (2011).
  • J. Scrimgeour E. 埃里克森和M. Goksor, “Laser Surgery and optical trapping in a laser scanning microscope”, Methods in Cell Biology: Laser manipulation of Cells and Tissues. (2007).



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