Bachelor of Science in 电气工程

Bachelor of Science in 电气工程

Power Our World Through Innovation

在当今的数字时代,电力维持着世界的运转. 电气工程师设计了从国家电网到我们手机里的微芯片的一切. esball国际平台客户端电气工程学士学位课程的毕业生几乎可以在每个行业找到工作. You'll find competitive salaries, 有机会在各个领域工作,并有机会站在当今创新的最前沿.

Why Major in 电气工程 at Clarkson?

esball国际平台客户端的低师生比例允许我们的教授了解你作为一个个体,而你一起从事研究. 教师和学生之间的这种独特的关系是esball国际平台客户端教育经验的标志.

The 电 engineering program's team-based, 协作的方法鼓励你运用你的知识和技能来解决实际问题, 现实问题. 这些技能, combined with Clarkson's in-depth curriculum, 为你的事业成功打下坚实的基础.

课堂之外, you can choose to get involved in research, 出国留学, 参加课外项目或专业发展活动. 

And, our 电气工程 Class of 2023 had a 100 percent placement rate.


从一开始, you'll be immersed in 现实问题, 从课堂和实验室的专家教师学习经验,使用先进的设备,达到或超过行业标准.

You'll take such courses as:

  • Advanced Digital Circuit Design
  • Alternate Energy Systems
  • Computer and Network Security
  • Electromagnetic Fields and 波
  • 嵌入式系统
  • Fundamentals of Software Engineering
  • High-Voltage Techniques and Measurements
  • 生物计量学入门
  • Intro to Digital Design
  • Intro to Programming and Software Design
  • 微电子学
  • Object-Oriented Languages
  • Power Systems Engineering
  • Software Design for Visual Environments
  • Software System Architecture
  • Systems and 信号处理

电气工程课程包括36学时的电气工程和27学时的第一年工程课程. 6 credit hours are in free electives.

All courses are 3 credits unless noted.

Clarkson Common Experience

以下课程是所有学生的必修课程,无论他们的学习计划如何. These courses are offered during the fall semester, FY100第一年研讨会只要求一年级学生参加. FY100和UNIV190通常在esball国际平台客户端第一年的秋季学期进行.
FY100 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)
UNIV190 The Clarkson Seminar (3 credits)

电气工程 Core Requirements

Students are required to complete the following courses:


  • EE211 ECE实验室 
  • EE221线性电路 
  • EE260嵌入式系统 
  • 面向对象程序设计与软件设计导论
  • EE264 Introduction to Digital Design 
  • EE311 电气工程 Laboratory II 
  • EE321系统 & 信号处理 
  • EE324 Dynamical Systems
  • EE331 Energy Conversion 
  • EE341微电子 
  • EE381 Electromagnetic Fields & 波
  • EE412高级设计 

Professional Experience

ES499 Professional Experience (0 credits)

Engineering Common First Year


  • CM131 General Chemistry I (4 credits)
  • CS141 Introduction to Computer Science (4 credits)
  • ES100工程计算机应用概论(2学分)
  • ES110工程 & 社会 
  • MA131微积分I 
  • MA132微积分II 
  • PH131 Physics I (4 credits)
  • PH132 Physics II (4 credits)

电气工程 Core Electives

Students must complete the following courses:

Mathematics/Electrical Science

  • ES250 Electrical Science 
  • MA231微积分III 
  • MA232 Elementary Differential Equations
  • STAT383概率 & 统计数据


Students must take 5 EE courses 300-level or above. BR400 can substitute an EE course.


学生还需要在核心要求之外选修一门数学选修课, 以及一门电气科学选修课和一门电气科学或科学选修课.

Knowledge Area/University Course Electives




Our engineering professors are also active researchers. 结果是, 所有工程本科专业的学生都有丰富的机会, 包括由国家科学基金会和纽约州能源研究与发展局等机构赞助的项目, as well as by private companies. 除了, 学生从事研究,以完成他们的高级顶点设计项目,并获得专业, 实践经验.

Learn more about research at Clarkson.

As an 电 engineering major, 你将获得实习和合作的机会, including with companies, government offices and other organizations. 一年两次, 近200家雇主来到校园招聘esball国际平台客户端的本科生,让他们体验这些经历, including many looking for 电 engineers. Stop by Clarkson's Career Fairs to make connections; apply for internships, co-ops and full-time positions; attend informational sessions and interview for open positions.

Learn more about co-ops and internships.

电气工程专业的学生可以通过校园里200多个俱乐部和组织参与到课堂之外的活动中来, including several related to 电 engineering. 这些包括:

  • American Indian Science and Engineering 社会 (AISES)
  • Autonomous Robotics Club
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • National 社会 of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • 欧米茄勋章
  • Power and Energy 社会
  • Robotics Living-Learning Community
  • Sigma Xi - The Scientific 研究 社会
  • 社会 of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
  • 社会 of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
  • 社会 of Women Engineers (SWE)
  • Tau Beta Pi - National Engineering Honor 社会

Learn more about student clubs and activities at Clarkson.

任何学位课程的学生都可以辅修电子工程. 电气工程辅修课程为学习能源系统提供了基础, basic 电 science and digital design. Why choose to minor in 电 engineering? 它是并将继续是平衡能源资源和生产与人类生活质量的未来的关键. 许多工科学生可以在四年内完成辅修课程.  

All courses are 3 credits unless noted.

电气工程 Minor Core Requirements

Students are required to complete the following courses:

ES250 Electrical Science 
EE264 Introduction to Digital Design
EE331 Energy Conversion 
EE381 Electromagnetic Fields and 波

电气工程 Minor Core Electives

Students must complete two of the following courses:

EE321系统 and 信号处理 
EE324 (ME324) Dynamical Systems 
EE333 Power System Engineering 
EE341 Microelectronic Circuits


Growth for 电 engineers is predicted to be steady over the next decade. 机会存在于经济的所有部门,例如:

  • 汽车工业
  • 航空
  • 国防
  • 嵌入式系统
  • 能源与动力
  • 娱乐
  • 社交媒体
  • 电信

2023届电气工程专业毕业生的平均年薪超过8.1万美元. 对于刚进入职场的人来说,常见的职位包括:

  • 电路工程师
  • 设计工程师
  • Electrical controls engineer
  • Electrical design engineer
  • 电气工程师
  • Electrical project engineer
  • Instrumentation and 电 (I&E) reliability engineer
  • Power systems engineer
  • 项目工程师
  • 测试工程师




  • Air Force 研究 Laboratory
  • Avangrid可再生能源
  • BAE系统公司
  • 贝克特尔
  • 伯恩斯 & 麦克唐奈
  • 康宁公司合并
  • 史诗系统
  • Eversource能源
  • General Dynamics Electric Boat
  • 通用汽车(General Motors)
  • 全球Foundries
  • IBM
  • 江森自控
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 国家电网
  • New York Power Authority
  • 电力工程师
  • 箴无限
  • 施耐德电气




Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
电话: 315-268-6511

有兴趣了解更多esball国际平台客户端电气工程理学学士学位的知识? Get in touch with us today with your questions.

100 Percent Placement Undergrad - Program Specific

A Supportive Environment for Women Engineers

As an 电 engineering major, 莱克星顿·斯托耶尔20年在esball国际平台客户端找到了无数的机会, from professional experiences to studying abroad and more.

Take Charge of Your Future

esball国际平台客户端的电气工程学位为您提供在需求职业中取得成功所需的技能和信心. 今天了解更多.