化学 & Biomolecular Engineering Department

化学 & Biomolecular Engineering Department

化学 and biomolecular engineering programs at Clarkson are known for impactful hands-on experiences, research excellence and high salaries after graduation.

我们的部门帮助培养学生强大的技术技能和多功能性. 我们将为您在价值数十亿美元的公司和初创企业的职业生涯做好准备, or to be successful in government, or graduate school - the choice is yours. As thought leaders, 在微电子等众多行业中,您可以使用新的、更环保的产品和工艺来改变世界, 精细化学品, 药品, and in the food and energy sectors. 化学工程师在解决气候变化问题方面也具有独特的地位,他们可以开发和发现更好的方法来制造可持续发展和健康地球所需的化学产品.

Mission Statement: esball国际平台客户端化学与生物分子工程系致力于提供卓越的本科和esball国际app教育, in both teaching and research. 教学和研究是相互关联的活动,对两者的卓越承诺对部门的智力环境至关重要,并将吸引有才华和积极进取的学生参加部门的课程. Recruitment of such students is an essential part of this mission.

99% Placement in 1st Six Months



Highest Paid 校友


esball国际平台客户端的学生非常受欢迎,我们的就业率和早期职业工资(平均超过7万美元)证明了这一点. 每年, our award-winning Parker Career Center hosts two career fairs, 邀请全国各地的顶尖雇主来波茨坦招聘我们的学生实习, co-ops and full time employment.  

According to PayScale, the average 化学 engineer's salary is currently above $70,000 与 highest being $80,000. esball国际平台客户端的化学工程学士学位让毕业生开始变得强大. 




of our graduates seek alternative positions like the military.

Department Spotlights


Professor Selma Mededovic Thagard, Bethany Almeida and Ian McCrum

  • 新研究奖由美国国家科学基金会于2022-2023年授予
    enhance electrocatalysis
Chemistry at Clarkson

Professor 西蒙娜Liguori说道 and Taeyoung金

  • Department of Energy awards, one for the study of hydrogen membrane
Chemistry-MS at Clarkson

Professor Eliz教唆h Podlaha-Murphy

  • Fellow of The Electro化学 Society
Materials-Science Engineering at Clarkson

Jihoon Seo教授,罗斯泰勒, Sita Krishnan和Eliz教唆h Podlaha-Murphy

  • Industrially supported research projects

Professor 罗斯泰勒

  • Fellow of the American Institute of 化学 Engineers

Faculty Award Spotlight

Dr. 西蒙娜Liguori说道 

Dr. Liguori的新能源部奖研究了一种从生物质气化生产清洁可再生氢气的新途径, as well as hydrogen separation, through use of novel membranes. 

Dr. Taeyoung金

Dr. 金的新美国开垦局奖研究了一种独特的海水淡化方法,使用更少的能源生产清洁的水, 淡水. 

Dr. Jihoon Seo

With the support of several other industrial grants, Dr. 通过对胶体和表面化学的基本理解,Seo在开发CMP浆料和后CMP清洁解决方案方面处于领先地位, liquid–solid interface chemistry, 以及各种金属和介电薄膜的电化学和含有它们的非均相结构. Recent slurry research for copper, 钨, 钴, 和半导体中的介电介质正在与其他化学工程学院合作,包括博士. Krishnan和Dr. Podlaha-Murphy.


Arash Bahrololoomi

Arash Bahrololoomi

(导师:E. Podlaha-Murphy)



最佳海报奖, 先进的蚀刻技术和工艺集成的纳米图案第十二届会议 
(导师:. Mededovic Thagard)

Chemistry-MS at Clarkson

Mohammad Hasibul Hasan

Kokes Travel Award to attend the North American Catalysis Society 
(Advisor: Ian McCrum)

研究 & 设施

Our research and lab facilities are state-of-the art and unique. 我们的本科教育是由直径9英寸的玻璃壁连续蒸馏塔支持的, equipped with twelve stainless steel sieve trays, a steam-heated partial reboiler, and a vented total condenser, a 20-liter batch distillation column, a packed bed column, a forced circulator double effect evaporator system,  a pilot-scale mixing unit, a reverse osmosis water desalination system, and a supercritical fluid extractor. In addition to research resources at the Clarkson 中心, the faculty maintain an x-ray fluorescence system, direct-in-liquid plasma reactors, reactors with specialized catalytic metallic membranes, an analytical differential electro化学 mass spectroscopy (DEMS), potentiostats/galvanostats, 生物反应器, an atomic force microscope (AFM), a 化学 机械 planarization (CMP) tool and more.

Undergraduate Highlights

全球 Foundries logo

全球Foundries 访问

美国化学工程师学会(AIChE)esball国际平台客户端学生分会最近访问了位于埃塞克斯枢纽的全球Foundries公司, VT网站. Hats off to our undergraduate students, 莱尔Trimbal, AIChE总统, and James Molinski, AIChE vice president, who helped plan the event along with Will Dumont, a Clarkson student who has interned with 全球Foundries. 非常感谢Zachary Zelinski在全球Foundries的精彩之旅!

Undergraduate and graduate students visit IBM in Albany

Student 访问s to Local Industry

Dr. Jihoon Seo带领团队参观了IBM,本科生和esball国际app能够看到化学工程师的实际工作环境.

本科生Lauren Olesky在2023年NAMS会议上获得最佳海报奖第三名

Lauren Olesky在NAMS会议上获得最佳海报奖第三名

本科生Lauren Olesky在Tuscaloosa举行的2023北美膜协会(NAMS)会议上获得了学生海报奖第三名, 阿拉巴马州. 她还获得了Dreyfus-Baltus旅游奖和NAMS本科生旅游奖. (Poster title: "Synthesis of Zinc Chloride Membranes for Potential Ammonia Separation;" Authors: Lauren Oleksy, 摩西Adejumo, and 西蒙娜Liguori说道)


Recent Faculty Publications

Selma Mededovic Thagard教授和她的团队最近在《esball国际平台客户端》上发表了一篇论文,题为:“横向液体流动的等离子体-液体反应器中的咖啡因降解:阐明质量传输对污染物去除的影响。.” The team identified phenomena to design, 控制和操作高效等离子体反应器,以咖啡因降解为模型污染物进行水处理. 当咖啡因在等离子体-水界面被破坏时,就会产生一种扩散通量,驱使咖啡因向表面进一步被破坏. 将这些结果扩展到其他有机污染物的意义是巨大的.
