招生 访问s, 事件 & 旅游

Picture Yourself Here


We’re a tight-knit, 驱动和创新的社区位于距离阿迪朗达克山脉仅几分钟. 我们共同努力,通过研究,跨越和推进学科突破界限. 我们的校园环境鼓励在课堂上通过SPEED团队比赛和Clarkson Ignite等活动来学习, and outside the classroom through internships, 合作社, study abroad and immersion experiences.

Explore our campus virtually from home, or schedule a visit to see our facilities in person, discover our unique, engaged community and speak with students, faculty and admissions.

CU is the place for you!

Explore options below for visiting and touring campus, 事件, and connecting with our Clarkson community members. 我们的办公室仍然致力于与未来的学生联系,因为他们探索CU提供的所有服务.

Experience Clarkson In-Person

访问的日子, Open Houses & Accepted Students Days

访问的日子 会提供给所有对esball国际平台客户端感兴趣的学生吗, transfer and the Clarkson School. 这些是半天的活动,面向那些想要更多地了解esball国际平台客户端的学生, 参观我们的校园, and get to know our unique offerings. 

Learn more about our 访问的日子

秋季开放日 是为所有第一年有兴趣了解esball国际平台客户端的学生准备的吗, transfer and the Clarkson School. Taking place on Saturdays, 这些全天的活动给来访的家庭的经验潜入所有esball国际平台客户端提供, as well as multiple opportunities for faculty, staff and student interaction.

  • Saturday, October 19
  • Saturday, November 9

Registration for these 事件 will open in July 2024. 

Learn more about 秋季开放日

Accepted Students 事件 将在2025年秋季入学的所有学生中举行, including first year, 转学和esball国际平台客户端学校有多种形式和选择. Check back for dates and registration information. 

Learn more about Accepted Students 事件


| Overnight Stays for Accepted Students

Once you've applied and have been accepted to Clarkson, 你还将有机会与我们的在读学生一起过夜,以获得完整的大学体验.

了解更多信息,请联系本科招生团队 admissions@eagle1027.com.


| Engineering Fridays

如果你有兴趣攻读我们的本科工程课程,并希望参观校园, 考虑参加我们的工程星期五活动. 这些事件, taking place on select Fridays throughout the fall, provide similar opportunities as a personalized visit, including an admissions overview, 免费午餐在我们的主餐厅和校园参观, 还包括与库尔特工程与应用科学学院教员的90分钟专业时间, staff and students. Each Engineering Friday runs from 8:45 a.m. until approximately 1 p.m. 



| Transfer Fridays

Check out 事件 just for transfer students! 大学博览会、入学信息会议、驻校顾问等等! 你也可以找到如何访问和联系你的转学顾问.

查看事件 & 选项

转学星期五在全年的特定星期五举行. 这些活动提供了类似于校园参观等个性化访问的机会, as well as a transfer admissions overview, an academic meeting with a faculty member, lunch at one of our on-campus eateries, 并与我们的转学代表进行一对一的会面以便立即做出录取决定. 活动 run from 9:45 a.m. 到2点.m.

Check back for upcoming Transfer Fridays.

此时可以安排校内面试, 我们将继续提供通过视频聊天进行在线面试的虚拟机会.

Schedule Your Interview

In-Person 校园之旅

要了解校园,没有比亲身体验校园更好的方式了. 立即注册,参加由学生导游带领的个性化校园之旅, showcasing our academic and social spaces, athletic facilities, a residence hall room and more.     

注册 for Tour

Self-Guided 校园之旅

如果你想在线或亲自参观我们的校园, 一定要利用我们的在线互动地图资源, which include videos, 照片, and descriptions of our campus spaces.

Explore Interactive Campus Map

We offer several options to meet with faculty, 体育教练, 支持人员和在校生,这样你就可以了解esball国际平台客户端生活的第一手资料, including our 50+ academic programs, our 200+ student clubs, and our 20 varsity athletic teams. At this time these meetings remain in a virtual format.

Request a Virtual Meeting

esball国际平台客户端全年欢迎许多高中团体为所有与会者创造独特的体验,这与我们一对一的访问不同. 通过希普利创新中心的动手团队活动进行工作, take a tour through our award-winning SPEED labs, 还有更多. 

Guidance counselors, 老师, 和项目协调员-了解您在旅行中可以期待什么和其他一般信息:

期待什么 & 一般信息

Or, if you're ready to schedule your visit:

Schedule Group 访问


Explore Clarkson Virtually


Schedule Your Interview

Self-Guided 校园之旅

如果你想在线或亲自参观我们的校园, 一定要利用我们的在线互动地图资源, which include videos, 照片, and descriptions of our campus spaces.

Explore Interactive Campus Map

我们邀请您加入我们的虚拟信息会议系列,每周举行. During each of these sessions, 我们招生团队的一名成员将简要介绍esball国际平台客户端, along with the admissions and financial aid process. 然后, 我们每周会重点介绍一个不同的部门或主题, such as the Career Center, Student Success Center, SPEED Teams (engineering design project teams), 学生生活 and more!  All sessions will have current students, along with department faculty/staff, 你们将有机会提出任何问题.  

查看主题 & 注册

High School 访问s & 大学博览会

我们的本科招生工作人员代表esball国际平台客户端参加全国各地的高中和大学招聘会. 找到你的辅导员,了解他们接下来会去哪里,无论是虚拟的还是面对面的.

Find Your Counselor

Travel Information

去 & 在校园里

我们所有的本科课程都设在波茨坦的主校区, 纽约, 就在600万英亩的阿迪朗达克公园外,距离加拿大两个最著名的城市渥太华和蒙特利尔只有很短的车程. 无论你是坐汽车、飞机还是公共汽车来,这里都有去我们校园的路线.

一旦你到了我们的校园,你可以选择使用我们的校园地图. 接待新客人的著名建筑包括Holcroft House, our undergraduate admissions hub; the Student Center, our student life hub; and Cheel Campus Center, 这里是金骑士一级男子和女子冰球队的主场.

View our 波茨坦校园 Printable PDF Map View our Interactive Virtual Campus Map

餐厅 & 住宿

纽约的波茨坦是一座热情友好的大学城. Located on the banks of the beautiful Raquette River, 绿树成荫的街道和历史悠久的红砂岩建筑给人一种友好的感觉,在我们校园步行距离内的一系列现代商店和餐馆.

From gluten-free bakeries, 从农场到餐桌的小酒馆和国际美食餐厅, 波茨坦在该地区以其各种各样的烹饪选择而闻名. 该地区的过夜住宿包括知名的连锁酒店, quaint bed and breakfasts and family owned motels.

以下资源将为您提供有关用餐所需的所有信息, 住宿, 在波茨坦和北部地区购物等;