We are here to help!

If you experience 性侵犯, domestic violence, 约会虐待, 跟踪, gender discrimination, or 多样性 and inclusion issues, know that we are here to support you.

Non-Discrimination Promise

任何人不得因种族而受到歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别认同, gender expression, national or ethnic origin, 年龄, 残疾, 资深地位, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, 婚姻状况, 父母的地位, 祖先, source of income, or other classes protected by law. T他的 policy includes the commitment to maintaining a campus community free from unlawful harassment.

For Immediate Help Call 315-268-6666 or 911


Any community member, who in good faith, reports concerns that they have been discriminated against or has knowledge of discrimination in violation of t他的 policy or cooperates in an investigation shall not be subject to reprisal or retaliation for making a report or participating in an investigation. Community members should immediately bring to the attention of the appropriate personnel. 

的 information listed on t他的 p年龄 and in the links will help you determine the personnel, 办公室, 政策和程序可以帮助您解决您的问题, 对不歧视的关注和投诉, 多样性, and inclusion at Clarkson.

信息 父母 & 家庭


No person in the United States shall, on the basis of 性, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. -第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972

虽然最引人注目的是促进了女孩和妇女运动的平等, 第九条 provides federal civil rights that prohibits 性 discrimination in education programs and activities such as:

  • Recruitment, 招生, and Counseling
  • Financial Assistance
  • 体育运动
    • Student Interests and Abilities
    • Athletic Benefits and Opportunities
    • Athletic Financial Assistance
  • Sex-Based 骚扰
  • Pregnancy and Parenting
  • Students Discipline
  • Single-Sex Education
    • 学校
    • 课程和课外活动
  • 报复
  • 变性人
  • 某些涉及性取向的骚扰案件

Under federal law any school receiving federal funds must designate a 第九条 Coordinator to review, 更新和实施现行的第九条政策, 协调适当的培训和资源, 确保对性暴力投诉作出有效和及时的回应, 不当行为, discrimination or harassment.

的 protections of 第九条 extend to 性ual harassment and 性侵犯 or violence that impairs or interferes with access to equitable educational and employment opportunities. 第九条适用于校园社区的所有成员, individuals doing business with the campus, those utilizing campus facilities, those who eng年龄 in volunteer activities or work activities in connection with or for Clarkson University. 它也适用于校园内外涉及这些当事人的事件. 

For further information, explore the links on t他的 p年龄 or contact the 第九条 Coordinator, TitleIXCoordinator@eagle1027.com.

性侵犯 & 不当行为

If you experience 性侵犯, domestic violence, 约会虐待或跟踪知道我们在这里支持你. 

我们可以帮助您获得医疗保健等支持服务, 理智的护士, mental health counselors, on and 在校外 victims advocates, campus safety and law enforcement.
It is important to us that you feel in control of the process of accessing services and deciding who and when to report an incident.
We will protect your privacy and work to minimize how often you have to discuss the issue

Consistent with federal law, Clarkson defines 性侵犯 as 包括 non-consensual 性ual acts[intercourse] and non-consensual 性ual contact which can be further defined as follows:

Non-Consensual Sexual Acts[Intercourse.] Any 性ual penetration (anal, oral or vaginal), 然而轻微, 任何身体部位或物体被一个人压在另一个人身上, that is without affirmative consent. 非双方同意的性行为包括:

Rape: penetration, no matter how slight, 阴道或肛门与任何身体部位或物体的接触, 或者被另一个人的性器官口交, without the affirmative consent of the victim.

Statutory Rape: Non-forcible 性ual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory 年龄 of consent. 在纽约,法定的同意年龄是17岁.   

Non-Consensual Sexual Contact. Any intentional 性ual touching, 然而轻微, 以性满足或有性意图为目的, of any private body part, by a person upon a person, that is without affirmative consent.  这包括, but is not limited to, 出于性或性唤起的原因而故意接触乳房, 臀部, 腹股沟, 或生殖器, 或者用这些身体部位碰别人, or making another touch oneself or themselves with or on any of these body parts; any intentional bodily contact in a 性ual manner, 虽然不涉及乳房接触, 臀部, 腹股沟, 生殖器, mouth or other orifice, 任何物体.

New York State Laws can be found on the www.svfreenyc.org网站.

Sexual Exploitation occurs when a person, without affirmative consent, 为了自己的利益而在性方面占别人的便宜, 或者对任何人有利,而不是被剥削的人. 性剥削的例子包括但不限于以下:

  • invasion of 性ual privacy;
  • prostituting another person;
  • 未经同意对性行为进行录像或录音;
  • going beyond the boundaries of consent;
  • observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or eng年龄d in 性ual acts;
  • engaging in 性ual activity with another person while knowingly infected with HIV or another STD without informing the other person of such infection;
  • exposing one’s breasts, 臀部, 腹股沟, 或生殖器, in non-consensual circumstances; coercing another to expose their breasts, 臀部, 腹股沟, 或生殖器

跟踪 is behavior means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for her, 他的, or others' safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.   跟踪可能包括跟踪或监视他人, or repeatedly contacting another person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person. “接触”一词是指进行或试图进行任何沟通, 包括, but not limited to, communication in person, 通过电话, 通过邮件, 通过广播, by computer or computer network, or by any other electronic device It does not require that an overt threat of death or bodily injury be made.

性骚扰是骚扰的一种特殊形式.  的 term refers to unwelcome conduct, based on 性 or on gender stereotypes that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive. Sexual harassment may include, 例如, exposing a person to unwanted 性ually graphic conversation; an attempt to coerce an unwilling person into a 性ual relationship; to repeatedly subject a person to unwelcome 性ual attention or advances; to punish a refusal to comply with a 性ual based request; to condition a benefit on submitting to 性ual advances; 性ual violence or 性侵犯; intimate partner violence; 性ual interest-based 跟踪, or gender-based bullying.

的re are three types of Sexual 骚扰:

  • 交换条件: 作为强迫性行为的手段而提供或扣留的利益.
  • HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT: Conduct that unreasonably interferes with the victim’s work/academic performance or repeatedly creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
  • 报复: retaliation against an individual or individuals for bringing a complaint or participating in a complaint

As with other forms of harassment, whether 性ual harassment has occurred in violation of t他的 policy depends on a consideration of all the circumstances, 包括 the severity of the incident(s), whether the conduct was repeated, whether it was threatening or merely annoying, 以及事件或互动发生的背景.

构成性骚扰的行为和行为可能包括, but are not limited to, 以下几点:

  • 因性或性别而发生的身体攻击;
  • direct or implied threats that submission to 性ual advances will be a condition of employment, 工作状态, 补偿, 促销活动, 成绩, or letters of recommendation;
  • 性挑逗:身体上的、暗示的或直接的性挑逗. T他的 activity may include inappropriate/unnecessary touching or rubbing against another, 性暗示或有辱人格的笑话或评论, 对某人的衣着和/或身体发表带有性意味的评论, 以性行为换取优惠待遇, 以及不恰当地展示色情图片, 文本, printed materials, 或与学术目的无关的物品;
  • a pattern of conduct, which can be subtle in nature, 带有性或性别色彩的,意在创造的, or has the effect of creating, discomfort and/or humiliation of another; or
  • 猜测某人的性活动或性史的言论, or remarks about 性ual activities that do not serve a medical or academic purpose.

Sexual 不当行为 refers generically to the categories of 性-based behaviors prohibited by t他的 policy, 包括 性ual harassment, 性侵犯, 未经双方同意的性接触(或企图进行性接触), 未经双方同意的性行为(或企图进行性行为), domestic violence, 约会暴力, 跟踪 and 性ual exploitation. 性行为不端可能发生在陌生人或熟人之间, 包括有亲密关系或性关系的人. 性行为不端可以由任何性别或性别的人犯下, 它可以发生在同性或异性之间.

骚扰 & Sexual 不当行为 Policy

的 骚扰 and Sexual 不当行为 Policy 适用于esball国际平台客户端的所有员工和学生.  除了, it applies to all vendors, 承包商, 客人, 顾客, and other third parties visiting campus, 参与esball国际平台客户端赞助的生意, event or program, 或者与esball国际平台客户端社区成员互动.  T他的 policy applies to conduct on campus and in connection with any Clarkson-sponsored program or activity, regardless of where it occurs. 另外, off-campus conduct may violate t他的 policy if the conduct creates a threatening or uncomfortable environment on Clarkson's campus or within a Clarkson program, 或者该事件是否引起了对esball国际平台客户端校园安全的担忧. 

esball国际平台客户端的政策和程序可在以下链接找到: Student Code of Conduct

骚扰 and Sexual 不当行为 Policy addresses 骚扰 generally and Sexual 不当行为, 包括亲密伴侣暴力和跟踪, specifically in compliance with federal and state statutory obligations and Clarkson’s values.

Sexual 不当行为 is a particularly grievous form of harassing behavior and is intolerable to Clarkson University.  

这一政策禁止性行为不端, 未经双方同意的性接触(或企图进行同样的性接触), 未经双方同意的性行为(或企图进行性行为), intimate partner violence[domestic violence, 约会暴力], 跟踪, and 性ual exploitation.

T他的 policy is designed to:

  • 确认大学的承诺,提供积极的, 为所有人提供人性化的学习和工作环境,没有性别歧视, harassment and 性ual 不当行为;
  • 告知报告方和应诉方他们的选择和权利;
  • inform all members of the University community and associated third parties about the procedures available for addressing, 调查, and resolving harassment complaints, 包括性骚扰和不当行为投诉;
  • protect the rights, 保密, and privacy of all parties to complaints to the extent possible; and
  • prevent retaliation against persons making complaints or participating in an investigation or disciplinary procedure
  • 确认这些保护不分种族都适用, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 信条, 年龄, 残疾, 性, 性别认同 or expression, 性ual orientation, 家族的地位, 怀孕, predisposing genetic characteristics, 军事地位, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction.
  • 确认无论违规行为是否发生在校园内,该政策都适用, 在校外, or while abroad as explained above.
  • 确认纽约州学生esball国际平台客户端性侵犯的权利法案, 约会暴力, 国内其中列于附录制定了肯定同意标准
  • 在作出诚信报告时,确保在某些情况下大赦